“Skye's professional yet down-to-earth coaching style was exactly what
I needed to get on the right track to live more fully. Her expansive
knowledge of holistic wellness was such a treasure to find during
these confusing times of Western medicine. Skye's ability to
customize a plan that was specific to my body's needs was truly a gift
to give myself. I was surprised I experienced weight-loss and mental
clarity just from changing a few things and my diet and adding some
supplements. I am grateful for all of the sessions and teachings I
received from Skye and I highly recommend her to anyone that wants
to get clear on personal nutrition and supplementation.”

Katy, Hawaii USA
“Before working with Skye, I was experiencing low energy and feeling
moody all the time. Skye taught me how to eat better, and how to take
better care of myself. My husband and I had been trying to to get
pregnant for 6 months prior to working with Skye even though my
doctor told me that I would be unable to have kids because of my past
medical history. After working with Skye my energy returned, I felt in a
better mood, and a month after completing Skye’s program I got
pregnant and now have a beautiful daughter.”

Dawn, Wisconsin USA

“I was experiencing skin boils/blemishes on the skin that would not go
away. I went to my doctor and they had no diagnosis or suggestions
for me. They recommended I go see a dermatologist and spend a lot
of money on testing not covered by my insurance- this put me back to
square one. Skye helped me with getting my skin back. In the process reset my digestion- I got more regular again. Through the process, I recognized that my body was thirsty, while before I would just think it was hungry and eat. In the last 5 months, I have lost 30 pounds, have regular digestion, and my skin is so much better.”
James, Wisconsin USA